Financial Services Core Customer Centric Approach

Project Name: Business Accounting

Client: Company Name Inc.

Project Commencement Date: February 18, 2017

Priject Completion Date: January 25, 2018

Project url:

Customer-Centricity for Financial Inclusion

Every business depends on winning customer loyalty by providing value. This is also true when your customers are from the base of the social and economic pyramid (BOP). Financial service providers who are serving or who want to serve this important customer segment need to invest in understanding these customers’ needs and develop products that meet those needs



Customer-centricity is about providing solutions based on a deep  understanding of customer needs, preferences, and behaviors. Customer-centricity is a concept that practically everyone agrees with, yet it takes a lot more than good intentions to implement. To effectively put the needs and aspirations of customers at the center of business strategies and decision-making, financial service providers may have to rethink their operations and invest significant effort and resources to change not only business operations but also organizational mindsets.


Adopting a customer-centric marketing approach is not an easy task, especially for companies who have already established their own type of marketing culture.


Until now, most of the business entities from various industries were using product-centric marketing strategy, in order to set their focus on increasing sales and revenues. But if we think about it, the hospitality industry has always been more people-centered than any other business sector.  


Achieving customer focus is a winning ticket for every hospitality business entity. And even though many challenges are limiting the implementation of client-centric marketing, with the proper mindset, motivation, and effort, it is possible to take its full benefits and gain a competitive advantage to drive leads, build relationships and satisfy clients’ needs.


A summary of FastShip Customer Centric Approach Concept data spread chart after successful planning and implementation of our Customer Centric Approach model



Benjamin Tickle is the Director of Content at FastShip, where he drives the content marketing strategy and writes various articles, case studies, and white papers to help ecommerce merchants grow their business.

Benjamin Tickle, Project Manager
Company Name Inc